• St. Christopher, the dog-headed saint

The Matchbox Zine

A matchbox zine contains a small written story or idea and one singular match. Once you have read the author’s message, you are obliged to light the match and burn it.

These little match boxes are created by Studio Portmanteau. The thought it contains was written by Kilah. This tiny zine explores the power of darkness. Sometimes it is the smallest ideas that are the most dangerous. Best to burn it after reading.

The Canine Bible

The Canine Bible is a Zine Collection by Kilah Storm that reinterprets the first three chapters of Genesis as if the humans were dogs and God is human. It is a micro macro approach to the Bible, aimed to make the reader see God - and themselves - in a new light. The Canine Bible can be found in local Colorado bookstores such as Mutiny Cafe, Kilgore Books and the Shop at MATTER. All illustrations and stories are done by Kilah Storm.